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The project consists of one main project and eight side-projects, and has a total budget of NOK 4.1 million. It is to be completed by the end of 2020.
The aim of the project is to develop tools and methods for daily use in Norwegian museums. Its two goals is to 1) develop tools ensuring that the female historical perspective is attended in the museums' practice of management and presentation, and 2) strengthen the attention to and visualization of women's history in collection management and presentation.
The project is a cooperation between seven institutions, each institution is also responsible for one side-project:
- The Norwegian Labour Movement Archives and Library: The photographic archives after Sissel Lie Bratz (1922–1983) from WWII.
- Anno Kvinnemuseet, the National Women's Museum of Norway: The archives of Oslo Female Merchants Society (1890–1977)
- Stiklestad National Culture Center: The role of female entrepreneurs in town and city development
- The Norwegian Museum of Science and Technology: Women and industrialization – renewal of the basic exhibitions
- Oslo Museum: OsLove. City history for beginners – the maneuverability of the genders.
- Maihaugen: Sandvig's collections, the building of a nation and national identity with a women's history perspective.
- Anno Kvinnemuseet, the National Women's Museum of Norway: "Silenced" – stories about abortion.
- Kilden Gender Research: Gender perspectives in museum operations.
Read more about the Council's grants here.