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The International Association of Women's Museums

The National Women's Museum of Norway is in a collaboration with women's museums all over the world. Since the first international meeting in Merano, Italy, in 2008, these museums have worked together to strenghten each other through networking.

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    The first International Women's Museum meeting in Meran, Italy, 2008 Frauenmuseum Merano

Visit the IAWM Web Site here:

International Congresses every four Years

The IAWM congresses are open for all members of the IAWM, and last for two days. One day is dedicated to the General Assembly, which also elects the new Board for the next four years.

Autumn 2016, El Museo de la Mujer in Mexico hosted the latest IAWM congress.

The Women are the Ones who write the History of the World! There has to be a Women's Museum in every Country of this World.

Shirin Ebadi, Former Nobel Peace Prize Laureate and Godmother of IAWM

Common projects between The Norwegian Women's Museum and other IAWM members:

Museum24:Portal - 2025.03.18
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