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She Culture

From 2013 to 2015, the Women's Museum of Norway has been participating in the EU project "She Culture", together with women's museums and cultural centers in Spain, Italy, Denmark and Albania.

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The Italian film

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The Spanish film

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The Danish film

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The Albanian film

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The Norwegian film

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All five films

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The She Culture Project consisted of several parts:

  • Gathering information to get an overview of gender equality status in the cultural sector in the five contributing countries.
  • Drafting a set of Guidelines for Women's Museums. These will be discussed in the next General Assembly of the IAWM.
  • A campaign focusing on gendered toys, including the production and displaying short films exploring the subject.
  • The production of short films exploring the issue of gendered toys from each of the five contributing museums. 
Museum24:Portal - 2025.02.14
Grunnstilsett-versjon: 2