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The Icebreaker. A tribute to Monica Kristensen.

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As expedition leader for the 90 degrees South expedition in 1986, Monica Kristensen becomes world famous: she is the first woman in the world to lead a polar expedition.

This exhibition focuses on three aspects of Kristensen's career: as researcher, expedition leader and author. The common denominator for all three is the fascination for the polar regions. She has led eight expeditions to the Arctic and Antarctic, she has published ten books - non-fiction and crime novels - with themes from the polar regions, and she has published a large number of scientific articles as a glaciologist.

Driven by a strong desire to know and an unstoppable desire to work, she has broken through career barriers and prejudices. Hence the exhibition title "The Icebreaker".

Monica Kristensen (b. 1950), who grew up in Kongsvinger, has kindly lent us objects, documents and photographs to the exhibition at the Women's Museum. Most of the material has never before been shown publicly. A large number of the objects have been packed away for the past 25 years and represent a unique story. The red “pyramid” tent that Monica used on the 90 degrees South expedition can, among other things, be studied up close.

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    From the exhibition. Mona Pedersen / Kvinnemuseet
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    The pyramid tent in a storm and minus 44 degrees on the South Pole Plateau. Monica Kristensen
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    Detail from the interior shown in the exhibition. Karoline Sundsrud / Kvinnemuseet
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    Jacob Meissner Larsen (left), Jan Almquist and Monica Kristensen on their way home from the South Pole in the bow of Monica's own icebreaker "Aurora". The photographer is the fourth member of the expedition, glaciologist Neil McIntyre. Monica Kristensen
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    Inside the red tent, Christmas Eve 1986. Jan (left), Monica and Jacob. Neil took the picture. Monica Kristensen

Photos from the opening

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    Dagens hovedperson, Monica Kristensen! Anna Løvlund / Kvinnemuseet
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    Monica Kristensen (sittende t.h.) møter museumsgjester i ISBRYTEREN på utstillingsåpningen. Anna Løvlund / Kvinnemuseet
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    Neil McIntyre (tv) og Jan Almquist var begge med på 90 Syd. Anna Løvlund / Kvinnemuseet
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    Knut Harald Jensens High Energy bre-band i aksjon. Anna Løvlund / Kvinnemuseet
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    Morsomt å se filmklipp fra 90 Syd. Anna Løvlund / Kvinnemuseet
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    Monica takker Kongsvinger og alle som har støttet henne. Anna Løvlund / Kvinnemuseet
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    Prosjektgruppa samla i utstillingen. Anna Løvlund / Kvinnemuseet
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    Ordfører Eli Wathne åpner ISBRYTEREN. Anna Løvlund / Kvinnemuseet
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    Arne Roy Solås og Monica Kristensen. Anna Løvlund / Kvinnemuseet
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    Videohilsen fra Ingrid Bjørnov, en av flere som gratulerte. Anna Løvlund / Kvinnemuseet
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    Monica og prosjektleder Mona. Anna Løvlund / Kvinnemuseet

Exhibition team

Mona Pedersen, project manager and curator 
Gry Linderud, exhibition designer
Anne Storbekken, conservator
Ellen Jacobsen/Petra designkontor, graphic design
Karoline Sundsrud, scenographer


Photos, objects and other materials belong to Monica Kristensen unless mentioned otherwise. 


Thank you to  Per Arne Helberget for advice on lighting design, Roger Johansen and Anna Løvlund for editing and preparing media content to our suppliers Flisa trykk AS, Caverion AS, Wito AS, Pers Glass AS and Alfred Smed Pedersen.

A big thank you to Monica Kristensen, Arne and Emma Solås for a great collaboration! 

The project is supperted by The Fritt Ord Foundation and Odal Sparebank.

Museum24:Portal - 2025.03.18
Grunnstilsett-versjon: 2