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Your Dagny

"It really is a curse, that when one has started writing, it is impossible to stop" – Dagny Juel

Dagny Juel Przybyszewska (1867–1901) lived a short and intense life amongst bohemians at the last fin de siécle. She was an educated pianist, and began writing when she was 26 years old. Four plays, four prose-lyrical texts, one novella, and a handful of poems are what remains of her writing. She also worked as translator and curator for the great artists of her age.

How did a young woman from Kongsvinger become one of the most noticeable and mythical of the avant gardes?

This exhibition is made by:

Project leader/texts: Mona Holm
Artistic design: Ane Henden Motzfeldt
Graphic design: Ellen Jacobsen/Petra design
English texts: Maren Sofie Løfsgård
Sound installations: Erik Marthinsen/Skyline studio

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    Kvinnemuseet, Anno
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    Kvinnemuseet, Anno
Museum24:Portal - 2024.04.15
Grunnstilsett-versjon: 1