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When poverty was rife, illegal - and deadly dangerous - abortions were performed. Sometimes, chidren were even killed at birth, or left out to die.

Loose women who kill their unborn child should loose their neck, and their head should be put on a stake.


Women who were found guilty of having a purposefully induced abortion not only lost their lives, then, but their heads as well. People used to believe it was impossible to get to Heaven if your head was separated from your body. Thus, this was a double death penalty. The woman lost her earthly life, and at the same time her chance of eternal life.

Some still took that chance. An unwanted pregnancy was a great burden. Single mothers and bastards had a hard time. There were many "recipes" on how to rid yourself of the foetus, and some despairing women turned to infanticide.

The death penalty was not replaced with a prison sentence until 1842.

A woman, who bears a dead or unfulfilled child, and to make it so, has used medicaments or performed certain actions, is sentenced to penal labour of the fourth or fifth degree... Penal labour is... d) fourth degreen of a time of more than three, but not more than six, years, and e) fifth degree of a time of six months or over up to three years.

Museum24:Portal - 2025.03.18
Grunnstilsett-versjon: 2