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The abortion casket

This little box was found under the timbers in the floor of Vinger Church in 1980. We do not know the history behind it, but we do know it must have been placed here in secret. The Church did not allow unbaptized children to be buried in hallowed ground.

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    Et abortskrin som ble funnet under Vinger kirke. Fra utstillingen 'Fortiet. Aborthistorien'

For a very long time, people believed that unchristened children became evil spirits when they died. To avoid this, their remains had to be buried in hollowed ground. Small boxes with the remains of unborn or stillborn children have been fund in churches all over Norway, often hidden under the floors, by the altar or behind one of the boards making up the pulpit. 

There has been little research done on abortion caskets like this, and the Women's Museum would love to hear about other cases. Please contact us on kvinnemuseet@annomuseum.no

Museum24:Portal - 2025.02.14
Grunnstilsett-versjon: 2