Dagny and Stachu had many Norwegian friends from their time in Berlin. They met them again in Kristiania. Dagny's uncle, Otto Blehr, was the prime minister of Norway, and the Przybyszewskis were invited to his parties more than once.
The party in the home of Gabriel Finne on Nordstrand was given literary form by Sigbjørn Obstfelder in his text Sommer ("Summer").
"[...] One hour later, we sat out in the country, by the fiord, in Ebbe's, the poet's, place. The door to the veranda was open, and the evening stood in, the red summer night... [...]
And then there were a woman.
Her hair.
And I had a feeling she was sitting and listening like me, – waiting for something, – and when it came, it flurried through her, as she said nothing. Sometimes, she laughed a short, sobbing laughter, or bent her entire upper body forwards, as to capture the words that evening, when the twilight turned to whispers.
Kanskje var det under besøket på Nordstrand at Dagny og mannen satt på en bergskrent over Kristianiafjorden. Dagny hadde på seg et gammelt, edelt familiesmykke. De forsøkte å overgå hverandre med ord om sin kjærlighets styrke. Til sist spurte Stachu: "Elsker du meg så høyt at du kunne kaste smykket du bærer i havet fo rmin skyld?" Uten å nøle skal Dagny ha revet det av seg og kastet det utfor bergskrenten.
Maybe it was here, under this visit to Nordstrand, that Dagny and her husband sat on a little rock by Kristianiafjorden. Dagny was wearing an old, elegant family heiroom piece of jewellery. The were competing over who felt the strongest love. Finally, Stachu asked "Do you love me high enough to throw that pience of jewellery into the sea for my sake?" Finally, without hesitataion, Dagny apparently ripped it off and thew it in.