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Dagny Juel

June 8 1867 - June 5 1901

1867   Dagny Juell (she later changed her name to Juel) is born in Kirkegaten 6 in Kongsvinger, on the 8th of June. Her parents are the physician Hans Lemmich Juell and Minda, née Blehr.

1872-1875   Is a pupil with Miss Bakke, a private teacher for small children in Festningsgaten.

1873   The Juell family moves to the farm Rolighed.

1875-1881   Attends Anna Stang's school for young girls in Kongsvinger.

1881   Graduates from Kongsvinger Communal Lower Secondary School in June.

1882   Dagny's confirmation is in Vinger Church on 1st of October.

1882-1884   Attends an all-girls boarding school in Erfurt in Germany, probably miss Sophie Simons "Privat-Töchterschule und Erziehungs-Anstalt nebst Pensionat für Töchter höherer Stände.

1888   Music studies in Kristiania (now Oslo) with her sister Ragnhild. Among their teachers is the pianist Erika Nissen from Kongsvinger.

1888-1889   Governess for her cousins in Førde, the children of Randi and Otto Blehr.

1889-1892   Dagny continues her music studies in Kristiania, and has a lot of contact with the city's artists. She befriends Vilhelm Krag, Sigbjørn Obstfelder, Nils Collett Vogt, Edvard Munch and many others. 

1893   Starting in February, Dagny studies music with professor Holländer in Berlin. She is introduced for the circle of artists at the tavern Zum schwarzen Ferkel by Edvard Munch. It is here she meets the Polish writer Stanislaw Przybyszewski and marries him in Berlin on the 18th of August. They live for several months in Luisenstrasse, in what becomes something of a litterary lounge for their artist friends. Dagny writes the novella 'Rediviva' in Desember.

1894   Dagny stays at Rolighed in Kongsvinger for several months. Stanislaw follows her there. In Kongsvinger, she translates Karl A. Tavaststjerna's book I förbund med döden and her husband's book Unterwegs into Norwegian, before translating Obstfelder's short story 'Liv' into German. In the autumn, she and her husband returns to Berlin.

1895   Dagny is pregnant, and returns home to Kongsvinger in April. Stanislaw arrives a month later. They stay for half a year. Dagny's translation of her husbands book is published in Kristiania, and her German translation of Obstfelder's short story is published in Pan, a new journal published from Berlin. Her son Zenon is born on Rolighed on 28th of September. Dagny writes her play Den sterkere ("The Stronger"). In December, Dagny and Stanislaw travels to Stockholm, and from there to Copenhagen.

1896   In January, Dagny sends her play Den sterkere to Christiania Theater from Copenhagen. In February, she comes back to Rolighed because she is broke, while Stanislaw goes to Berlin. They meet again in Copenhagen in May. On the 6th of June, Stanislaws long-term mistress Marta Foerder commits suicide. Together with her husband, Dagny comes back to Berlin, where Stanislaw is imprisoned for two weeks. Several of their friends turn their backs on them. In December, the play Den sterkere is published in the journal Samtiden. This is probably the year in which Dagny writes many of her poems. Her son Zenon stays with his grandparents at Rolighed.

1897   Dagny is yet again pregnant, and goes home to Rolighed in March. Stanislaw follows in May. Dagny is probably working on the plays Ravnegård ("Raven Yard"), Synden ("The Sin") and Når solen går ned ("When the Sun Sets"), and she writes an article on the works of Theodor Kittelsen. In late June, Stanislaw goes back to Berlin. Dagny gives birth to her daughter Iwa at Rolighed on the 5th of October. It is a complicated, dramatic birth, and Dagny nearly dies. In December, Dagny leaves both her children at Rolighed, and travels to Stanislaw in Berlin. When she gets there, Stanislaw writes his publisher in Prague about Dagny's three plays.

1898   In January, Dagny and Stanislaw leaves Berlin. They visit Paris, then Spain. It is probably here that she works on her three lyrical prose texts 'Sing mir das Lied vom Leben und vom Tode'. They return to Paris in April. In May, Dagny is told her play Synden is to be performed at a free, intimate theatre in Prague. In June, Dagny travels to Rolighed, with Stanislaw right behind her. Her father is seriously ill. In September, Stanislaw travels to Kraków, where he has been given a job as the editor of the journal Zycie. Dagny and the children follow him in early October. Stanislaw becomes the leading man of the "Young Poland" movement, the so-called "Paon bohemians" in Kraków. In October, Dagny's play Synden is played in Prague.

1899   Dagny's father dies in January, and Dagny is prevented from going home to see him. The loss of her father, the fact that she doesn't speak Polish, her husband's alcoholism and their wild parties is slowly wearing her down. She takes the childen with her and travels to a resort in the mountain town of Zakopane. She stayes most of the summer and autumn. Dagny writes a new play, which was possibly never completed. In February, the Czech journal Moderní revue publishes Dagny's play Synden, and the same month, her play is published in book form in Prague. In June, Stanislaw enters into relationships with two women in Lwów. Synden, Når solen går ned and 'Sing mir das Lied vom Leben und vom Tode' are published in the journal Zycie, translated by Stanislaw.

1900   On January 1, Dagny leaves her husband and children. She later sends Zenon to her sister Gudrun, who brings him to his grandmother at Rolighed. Dagny travels with Wincenty Brzozowski. First to Lwów, then to Berlin, then back to Lwów, then to Kraków, then Prague and finally back to Kraków once more, before leaving for Paris. Dagny's sister Gudrun travels to Paris and meets her there. Dagny follows her to Rolighed. Iwa remains with her father in Poland. Late in the year, 'Sing mir das Lied vom Leben und vom Tode' is published in the journal Samtiden. In December, Dagny and her son travels to Dagny's sister Ragnhild in Stockholm.

1901   In February, Dagny and Zenon travels to Poland. They meet Stanislaw in Kraków, and travels with him to Warsawa. Stanislaw spends most of the spring in Lwów. A friend of theirs from the time in Kraków, Wladyslaw Emeryk, suddenly shows up. He presents himself as a millionaire, and invites the Przybyszewski family to Tbilisi in Russian Georgia. However, it is only Dagny, Zenon and Emeryk who goes there in late April. Stanislaw and Iwa are supposed to follow later. In May, the Czech journal Moderní revue publishes Dagny's play Når solen går ned. The small group of travellers arrive in Tbilisi in mid-May, and stay at the Grand Hotel. On the 5th of June, their stay is cut short, as Emeryk shoots Dagny, and then himself. Dagny Juel is buried in Tbilisi on 8th June, her 34th birthday.

Iwa is sent to Dagny's sister Gudrun and her husband, Wilhelm Westrup, in Lund in Skåne, Sweden. Zenon, however, remains in Poland, in the home of actress Laura Pytlinska. Dagny's mother and unwed sister Astrid leaves Rolighed and moves in with Gudrun.

1902   Stanislaw's translations of Dagny's plays Synden, Når solen går ned and Ravnegård are published in Warsawa. Ravnegård is played in Kraków in December.

1905   Stanislaw marries his mistress, Jadwiga Kasprowicz. Zenon is sent to Dagny's sister Gudrun in Lund, Sweden. Dagny's plays Synden and Ravnegård are played in St. Petersburg.

1906   The director Vsevolod Meyerhold goes on tour with Dagny's play Synden. They play in many places, including Poltava.

1911   Dagny's old friend Maya Vogt, who married the Georgian-Russian Prince Zurab Avaloff after Dagny's death, arrives in Tbilisi and arranges for a headstone to be raised on Dagny's grave.

1996   Dagny Juel's collected texts are published through a cooperation between Kongsvinger Museum and the publishing house Kulturforlaget BRAK.

1999 Dagny's grave in Tbilisi is moved to a place of honour by the Church entrance on the 20th of May.

2001   A memorial plaque is put up on the building which used to be the Grand Hotel in Tbilisi.

Museum24:Portal - 2025.03.18
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