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... her entire appearance had a soothing and yet inspiring effect. It was as if her mere presence gave new impulses, new ideas and the will to create, which had fallen asleep, woke anew...

... hele hendes Apparition havde en ganske egen beroligende og samtidig inspirerende Virkning. Det var, som hendes blotte Nærhed gav nye Impulser, nye Ideer og Skabertrangen, der var slumret ind, vaagned paany...

Edvard Munch

There was spirit in her smile, a light in every movement of her supple limbs, which were covered only by a loose hanging garment, and all she spoke to were affected. She had only to lay a hand on one's arm, and straight away one found expression and form for something one had been struggling with for a long time. She was the midwife of thought for all these poets who gave birth to their works in such pain.

assumably Bengt Lidforss

For me, Dagny Przybyszewska and Sigrid L. seemed like examples of a highly interesting and until now unknown and new kind of women. They had been to school with boys and considered men to be mates. They held their arm with confidentiality, they told their stories without concealment, they changed their wet stockings in their company and drank toasts of friendship with them, and it all meant nothing.

For meg fremstod Dagny Przybyszewska og Sigrid L. som eksempler på en høyst interessant og tidligere ukjent og ny kvinnetype. De hadde gått på skole med gutter og betraktet menn som kamerater. De holdt dem fortrolig i armen, de fortalte utilslørte historier, de skiftet sine våte strømper i deres nærvær og drakk dusskåler med dem, og dette betydde ingenting.

Alfred Wysocki

It was mainly "Ducha" who occupied us. She was a very fascinating and thoroughly unique revelation [...]. Ducha, who was then in her mid-twenties, was an incredibly captivating woman whom all men fell in love with and all women swarmed to. She was spiritually competent and modern to the core.

Franz Servaes

Ducha is stunning, if she were to carry white lilies in her hands, she would have been the perfect symbol of spirituality. – I beg you not to laugh of me, but I always picture her as a singing angel, even with the sigarette in her mouth. She even smokes etherically, and the little heavenly rings float as haloes from her lips.

Ducha er betagende, dersom hun holdt hvite liljer i hendene, ville hun ha vært det mest fullkomne symbol på åndelighet. – Jeg ber Dem ikke le av meg, men jeg ser henne alltid for meg som en syngende engel, selv med sigaretten i munnen. Hun til og med røker på en eterisk måte og de små himmelske ringene svever som en glorie fra hennes lepper

Margaretha Ansorge to Ida Auerbach

Stanislaw Przybyszewski gave Dagny the nickname "Ducha". It is a feminine form of the Polish word "duch", meaning "spirit".

Museum24:Portal - 2025.03.18
Grunnstilsett-versjon: 2