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Dagny's plays

Arnost Procházka, the editor of the avant garde journal 'Moderní revue' in Prague, was sent the plays and chose 'Synden' ("The Sin") to played at the free intimate sceene in Prague. It was played in October 1898. In February 1899, it was published in 'Moderní revue', and published as a book by the same journal at the same time. A small book with a violet cover in 73 numbered samples.

He is so good, and yet he torments me to death. And how he suffers, how he suffers! The mere sight of me brings furrows to his forehead... (suddenly) Yes, you are right; I need to free myself from him.

from Dagny's play 'Den sterkere' ("The Stronger")

Just to think about it, my little play 'Den stærkere' will be in the next edition of 'Samtiden'. Do you keep that journal?

Dagny to her sister Ragnhild

My wife has written three little plays, quite perfect in their genre. I do not here speak as a husband, but solely as an artist.

Stachu to the publisher Arnost Procházka in Prague

[...] But these cardinal dramatical inadequacies in Mrs. Przybyszewska's works do not disturb the strong poetical impression she has made on me with her qualities. It is especially the sultry, strongly perfumed, nervequivering fume in which the trio is set that grips me. [...] The erotic passion which overturns inwards with demonic catastrophes' horribleness, [...] one in it's core quite poor and untrue psychology [is the same] as that in the people in Stanislaw Przybyszewski's works live and die after.[...]

Frantisek Václav Krejci, Czech litterary critic, about 'Synden' ("The Sin")

Dagny Juel Przybyszewska is both more pessimistic and more revolutionary than her predecessors. She is the only female playwright of her time who is definitely renounces the myth of innocence. She openly joins the love myth, but modernizes it with a stroke of her pen when she swaps the spiritual love for women's desire.

Mary Kay Norseng in 'Norsk kvinnelitteraturhistorie' ("Norwegian History of Women's Literature")
Museum24:Portal - 2025.03.18
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