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The summers with Dagny

A amateur pianist, a Polish guest up here, we would probably not be guilty of much indiscretion should we mention his name, the author Hr. Przybyzewsky, assisted the giver of the concert [Mrs. Ragnhild Juel Bäckström] with several piano pieces and pleased the audience to such an extent, anything like it has most likely never been experienced up hee. The audience was so excited and applauded so vivaciously, that Mr. Przybyzewsky had to give one encore after another, which he did with the greatest ease, and never was a sheet of music needed nor used.

Hedemarkens Amtstidende (Newspaper)

I went to Doctor Juuls one evening. Excellent reception and extra singing. Przobozowskene was a little tired. He had been writing play that day – that was what i heard him say. A little of a hen with ducklings – but maybe it was the doctor who was the hen. The madam was extremely sweet and wise. [...] But that Przybysemmer is (despite Polish) a real German peddler of nonsense, full to the brim of books and jargon and so self-loving it must be hard being married to him. She [Dagny] is naive, excited for paradoxes, and other than that sweet and kind. I am never there, but he comes and looks through my things.

Gerhard Munthe at Kongsvinger

The few days in June that I spent invited by Dagny Juel in her home i Kongsvinger, became an unforgettable experience for me. The doctor was on a journey, so the youth ruled the house [...]. It was the Polish man, the much beloved Stanislaw or Staszu as his pet name was in the family, just as Dagny had become Duchna, who led these revelries and accompanied it with temperamental music, daring paradoxes, extensive modern knowedge and his crazy, boy-like gags. When Staszu sat down by the piano and with huge temperament and sensibility interpreted Chopin, it felt like a holiday for all of us [...]. Later, we also experienced hum and Obstfelder playing together, the latter being a strange autodidact on violin

Jens Thiis in 'Edvard Munch og hans samtid'
Museum24:Portal - 2025.03.18
Grunnstilsett-versjon: 2